Facebook vs. Google

Finally reading up on Facebook’s campaign to smear Google. My first thought was how laughable it is for Facebook to defend this by stating “they’re concerned about Google’s privacy concerns” just makes my head spin. Let’s pretend that this is legitimate. Then it should be done in the open, acknowledging their own issues with managing privacy. Otherwise, you look childish and deceptive. In today’s media saturated space, losing consumer trust can be fatal (not that I think this will kill Facebook. It can be one proverbial nail-in-the-coffin, though).

My impression? This was an attempt at being hyper-competitive and has backfired. Facebook looks childish and grossly unprofessional. Burson-Marsteller (a whole ‘nother post) looks grossly unethical. A bad, bad choice that will add ammunition to the anti-Facebook crowd. There is a point which this energy can obtain critical mass. Facebook needs to work on building up the trust “bank account”, not continuing to draw it down. When it’s empty, the house of cards collapses.

Media Tracking

As I’m updating my resume and looking over past work, I came across some media tracking spreadsheets I’d crafted. The company is international, but the data I had was (mostly) national (US), with little bits of Canada thrown in. Anyway, what I received were spreadsheets from an agency covering all media stories. The main thing I did with this was break it down by focus (positive vs. negative, for the most part).

So, I’ve been considering what I would do differently now. This is just a stream of ideas, so please understand them as such. I would like to build reports with more depth. Look at regional coverage. Map out city by city, etc, across the globe if possible. Layer this on top of a map. Then with that report I’d break out positive, negative & neutral focus. It’s important to note that it’s hard to ascertain focus when one doesn’t see the coverage. Anyway, I also thought it would be good to look at what’s generating the coverage: new products, new markets, “issues” (which should be tracked by individual issues/campaigns. It would be elucidating to track how the issue moves across the landscape.). I also would add social media to this. I want to see/show how awareness is impacted by those tools.

On a technical note, I would not use Excel for data collection. Collect raw data in a database. The challenge is being proactive with the structure. I’d love to build something that was accessible at a more macro level. Perhaps with SQL and displayed in a Sharepoint site. I have an aversion to myriad individual databases globally distributed.

Anyway, I’m learning and growing.