More Christian, Indeed

Recently, one of my friends was given the following request: stay away from our church until he could be/act “more Christian”. Gads, such statements frustrate me. Really, what is that supposed to mean? I expect this is about being more cheerful, dopey happy, carefree nonsense. Bleh! People of faith wrestle with pain, sadness, depression, anger and anguish. God meets us where we are, not in this fantasy la-la land.

Yeah, we’re supposed to be battering the world with our hammers of righteousness, rubbing those wretched sinners noses in how revolting we sanctimonious babblers find them. Bah, I say; refusing that path as empty and vacuous, ultimately destructive. I stand with the broken, the sinner, the struggling, as best as I’m able, for that’s me, too. 

A cold and bony gaze
Pierces my confidence,
My peace. Shattering this
Belief that I “have time”, that
I might ignore the dictates
Of time. Slowly I gain the
Strength to return that stare.

Eventually the fear shall fade
And I’ll gaze into this despair
Inspired terror feeling 
Tranquility, knowing we all
Share that journey.

Thoughts on James Foley

Hearing the horrific news about ISIS’ murder of journalist James Foley gives me pause. What do these folks hope to accomplish? Do they really believe they instill terror in us? Perhaps they’re deluded such. If so, they really are pitiful. No, our collective response is one of horror and repulsion. I don’t know. Madness. 
Ultimately, it’ll solely serve to deepen our focus, our resolve. Sadly, it will also serve as fuel for those who vilify all Muslims, painting the entire faith with the broadest of brushes. I guess, ultimately, it will serve to delude these thugs, this taste of power. They’ll feel their power flutter behind the cowardly masks. And they will vanish, empty save for the horrors within their souls.