Thought on the day

Thought of the day: It’s preferable to learn from the mistakes of others than to make them yourself. The whole purpose of an event like Family Reunion, and education as a whole, is to pre-learn the mistakes great minds have made, and avoid the pain and costs they incurred. Really, someone taking the time to explain anything they’ve learned is a gloriously generous gift. I’ve long known that, but have really deepened my appreciation for those that generosity. 

Oh, The Challenge Of Stillness

One of my challenges: sitting still. I love getting stuff done. This week, though, is about learning, preparing; not about acting. For action without planning often is empty, or worse, counterproductive.

I don’t spend enough time planning. Sadly, it’s very easy to confuse action and activity with progress. I need to add “focusing time” into my day. Thus, I shall act rather than react. And ensure my efforts build something, not just spin my wheels needlessly.

I’ve known about this weakness for awhile. Yet, it’s really being driven home this week. If I learn nothing else this trip, my deeper understanding of this is worth it all.