Kindness spoken 



p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>The quick


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>kind


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>word 


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>Can save


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”> a life 


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>Or a


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>soul 


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>

Pink Floyd against the Cresent moon 


p style=”font-family:"font-size:21.6px;”>Pink Floyd playing now 


p style=”font-family:"font-size:21.6px;”>Cresent moon, low in the sky 


p style=”font-family:"font-size:21.6px;”>Perfectly fitting 


p style=”font-family:"font-size:21.6px;”>


p style=”font-family:"font-size:21.6px;”>

Thoughts on Effectiveness and Hope 

I’ve long been a devote of Steven Covey. To this day, I try to keep his principles in mind. 

One of the central elements is the importance: urgency grid. 

The upper right grid is the key place: but urgent and important. Urgent and important grab priority, followed by urgent and not important. Not important and not urgent tend to grab our time, too. The realm of time wasting. 

Many people cycle between the urgents and time wasting. The not urgent important gets neglected. 

That’s the realm of Hope. This painful cycle minimizes hope; it doesn’t get fed. 

No wonder we swirl about in anger so much. Why we focus on win-lose, why we’re so afraid. 

We never feed hope. 

Oh, what a weekend 

It’s been quite a dramatic few days for my circle. Saturday, we buried a friend, and supported his family. 

That evening we joined with other friends celebrating Mardi Gras…just a smidge early. 

Sunday found us with my pastor announcing his resignation. It came as a shock, and led to many emotional conversations. 

From that point forward, I felt simply weary. And that’s continued. I guess my best bet is an early bed time and plenty of sleep. 

AutoCAD | zero to 60 in 1 over infinity seconds

One of the great things about a new job: learnings. This one is no different. I love learning new software. Well, AutoCAD really isn’t “new”. But the last time I did any real work in the product was, well, a version for DOS. Yeah, it was on a computer running Windows 95, but still….

Anyway, with another staff change, my need to KNOW AutoCAD shot up immensely. Got to love added stress!

It’s fun, but crazy. No panic…not yet, at least. And I have a strategy, so there.

Wish me luck.

So looking forward to Logan

For many years I read the X-Men religiously. At my life evolved, I’ve not as been much into comics. But I kept abreast of the ebb and flow of the characters.

I’ve enjoyed the X-Men films I’ve seen, but this one looks really well crafted. Makes me brim with excitement.

I concur with what a friend told me: “if this movie sucks, it’ll hurt”.

Anyway, here’s one of the trailers. An amazing sample and use of the song.