A Few Thoughts On Wil Wheaton’s Radio Free Burrito, Episode 45

Just finished the 45th episode of Wil Wheaton’s Radio Free Burrito. I adore his wit and share many of the things that tickle his whimsy.

In this episode he talks a bit about getting a gig from an audition. He’s rather pleased with himself as this has not been the most successful vessel for booking his work. It’s quite understandable, really, that you meet success where you’ve met nothing but frustration. That feeling of validation is quite invigorating.

While talking about that, though, he mentions the times he’s thought about quitting these. Not quitting acting, but these types of auditions. For me, the key thing: he’s successful getting work via, what I’d call “networking”. The undertone: that would be “quitting”.

I’d argue that, no, it’s not. Acting, and acting gigs, are the goal. He has success there! He’s acting, and paying the bills. Everything else is gravy. There’s nothing wrong with quitting unsuccessful tactics while working towards your dream. Quite the opposite.

Some times, quitting is essential. 

One way to consider this: the ol’ 80/20 rule. 20% of what most people do generates 80% of the results. If one is meeting success doing “it” one way, and not in another, focus on where you’re meeting success.

It’s not only “ok” to quit what’s not working, I’d argue that there’s an imperative. 

Focus on results, not the process. So what if someone else gets all their work “this way”? Focus on what works for you. It might be valuable to explore how you can do things differently, and use that to grow. And, as Wil points out, sometimes the exercises that don’t generate the gigs have other value. For him, many times it’s getting in front of key people; building that network.

Results, my friends, are what should drive us.

Keep up the good work, my friends!