A Few Thoughts On Challenges

Challenges Ahead

I’ve been asked, many, many times if “x” will present a challenge. And, far too often, the context of that is “kill the project”.And that’s the wrong thinking. EVERY project will have challenges. Internal, external, whether inertia or outright attack, things will rise.

Before running away from challenge, we need to remember value. What are we trying to bring to life with the project? And then dive deeper into the cause of the challenge. Can it be overcome? At what cost? Does this negate the value of the project?

I’ve bought into the notion that “everything in life is easy if you’re aligned with the universe”, and that “challenges are signs of divine disfavor”. Perhaps not quite as dramatic as this, but the point’s still there. Challenges shouldn’t be existential. Anticipate they’ll come and remember your why, and you won’t descend into fear driven chaos.