A New Musical Discovery

I know that I mostly post poetry, and more specifically haiku, here. However, music also holds a dear spot in my soul. So, discovering this video today thrilled me in many ways (I grew up on a regular diet of Simon & Garfunkle), and I wanted to share it with all of you.

It’s a version of Simon & Garfunkle’s “America” done by the Swedish duo First Aid Kit. Check out who’s in the audience.

The Past, The Future, Focus


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>stories of the past


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>


p style=”font-size:16px;”>


p style=”font-size:16px;”>yet I look to the future


p style=”font-size:16px;”>I am far from done

Met a really cool guy today. A former Navy nuclear power program sailor, just like me. Though he is quite a bit younger. 

Swapped stories of our respective experiences, which I enjoyed. Yet I often worry in those moments that I’ll become like the subject of Bruce Springsteen’s “Glory Days”, a relic, trapped in the past. Grave fate, for me, at least. 

The Ampersand 


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>Ah, the ampersand!


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>A glorious path


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>Uniting, bringing


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>Ideas, people,


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>All things


p style=”font-family:"font-size:16px;”>Together

Google Tip: Deleting Old Google Sign-In Accounts

As many of you know, I just left a job. Part of my process for that is clearing out any data I’ve captured. One thing I always need to do is clear out any of the old Google accounts I’ve used. Like what you see in this view: 


The first step to getting rid of the other screens is to sign out of everything:

Next, go to the login screen, which will now look like this:

Click on “Remove an account”, and you’ll be able to choose the account(s) to remove from the screen. And, boom, it’ll be nice and clean for the next log-in.