Brunch in #Edmonds

A light mist outside

Delightfully warm within

My grandfather’s voice

My grandparents started coming to Edmonds’ Pancake Haus when it opened, and remained faithful customers til the end. My wife and I go somewhat regularly, enough that the staff recognize our son and ask about him. This connection brings me joy.

Do have any place with similar connections?

A Note On Blog Posting

I follow a number of blogs, most of them sending me emails about new posts. Today I received around 15 messages from one as they posted post after post. So, I wanted to remind everyone about a great feature within both WordPress and Blogger (and I expect other blogging platforms as well): Scheduled Posts.

With a plethora of blog posts to load, instead of blasting them all out at the same time, balance them out over time. Besides the kindness to your readers’ inboxes, Google prefers that SEO-wise, as you end up with more continuous content and updates.


So, in WordPress’ block editor, before you post, head to the upper right-hand corner, click the gear, then “Post Settings”, then “Status”. Click on a date and time for your post to go.

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The advice is pretty much exactly the same, if the visuals are different.

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So, there you go! Spread those posts out, get better SEO and avoid flooding inboxes. And keep on pursuing greatness!

Today’s Black History Month Meditation: Rita Dove

Great advice for the new poet…and for the old. Of course today we always have our phone with us, capturing our thoughts, poem scraps along with photos. There’s research supporting pen-and-paper’s superiority, for what that’s worth. Ultimately, the best solution is the one you use. As long as you’re confident in capturing your ideas, your brain can focus on creation.