
My Own Save The Wave Playlist

Inspired by C89‘s DJ Trent Von and his Save The Wave show, I crafted my own playlist in Spotify. Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What’s left out? What shouldn’t be on this one?


If you’re a fan of Trent, here are a few places to connect with him online:

And here are some sites to learn more about his style, background, and, well, listen to his playlists.

Walking at Twilight

Walking at twilight
The sense of forward motion
My tranquility

I value my evening walks. They bring me focus and settle down my more manic moments. Often, I listen to podcasts. Today, though, I opted for music. Spotify is glorious if you love music like I do.

Watch “Watch This Before You Make Another Decision” on YouTube

Ah, good ol’ Gary V! I deeply appreciate his raw “get the fuck off your ass and get to work” videos. See, I dive deep into over-thinking. Churnimg through “what-ifs” is reflexive. And second guessing my choices? I’m a master at that, too. And it drives me nuts. I KNOW it’s a waste. I KNOW you can’t know how any choice would play out differently. Yet my brain churns through this nonsense. These videos are a good reminder to be vigilant against that and stop that waste of energy, that degradation of confidence. Forward! Move forward. Move, and forward. Don’t look back.