
Watch “Watch This Before You Make Another Decision” on YouTube

Ah, good ol’ Gary V! I deeply appreciate his raw “get the fuck off your ass and get to work” videos. See, I dive deep into over-thinking. Churnimg through “what-ifs” is reflexive. And second guessing my choices? I’m a master at that, too. And it drives me nuts. I KNOW it’s a waste. I KNOW you can’t know how any choice would play out differently. Yet my brain churns through this nonsense. These videos are a good reminder to be vigilant against that and stop that waste of energy, that degradation of confidence. Forward! Move forward. Move, and forward. Don’t look back.

A Quick Piece Of Blogging Advice

One of the blogs I follow will, often, post a flurry of posts in one burst. So my email becomes laden with a string of 8, 9, 10 posts.

I want you all to be aware of a feature within all blogging platforms I’m familiar with: “Scheduling Posts”.

Below is a screen capture of the current layout for WordPress.

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This helps in a couple ways.

  1. You don’t flood your readers with content.
  2. Regular postings are better for you, SEO-wise. Scheduling 10 posts to occur over 10 days is better for your site in the eyes of Google.

So, one fast bit of blogging advice. Cheers!

Some Thoughts On The Tom Ferry Podcast

I listen to podcasts most every day, sometimes more than one. As I’m back working in real estate, the past few mornings I’ve listened Tom Ferry’s podcast. He’s a well regarded coach to high caliber agents.

Today’s edition was “Elevating Listing Videos to A Viral Art Form“. One of the touchpoints in this was a viral video created by the guests, Tim Smith (a real estate agent out of Orange County, California) and Chris Stacey (a film maker). The viral video, well, I should call it a film out of respect for the creators, was focused on one of Tim’s listings. This gorgeous, waterfront home is stunning, and well showcased in the video. But you’d never see it as a property home tour. It’s something unique.

I had to look up what a “Duffy” is (it’s a small boat…the video will define it better than I can). I’m afraid I’m ignorant of things super-wealthy.

Anyway, I found it clever and innovative. Not sure if this will change the nature of real estate videography, but it might. It certainly adds a new element that’s hard to predict.

So, give Mr. Ferry, Stacey and Smith your ears for roughly an hour. This discussion has value beyond real estate. It gives me some insight into where marketing as a whole could be heading. And I hope it does.