
Today I re-read Robert Frost's classic "The Road Not Taken". Always, as I read, I think I should commit this to memory; I adore it so. My internal script, though, tells me I can't memorize. Laughable, really, this notion. As a musician, I memorized a great deal. Several years of drum corps shows, marching band music, myriad jazz tunes; all committed to mind. Odd, then, that this dated and disproven script still influences. I wonder, at times, if we'd cease to exist without our insecurities. So prevalent and deep seated they are. Frustrating, really; perhaps memorizing this piece would help defeat this script forever? A worthy endeavor, methinks.

Via BlackBerry

1 thought on “Memorization”

  1. Have you heard Frostiana by Randall Thompson. It's a 1959 choral piece setting Frost's words to music. Includes that piece and another that we sang for Advent at UBC, "Choose Something Like A Star."

    If you haven't, I'll bring you a copy next time I see you

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Today I re-read Robert Frost's classic "The Road Not Taken". Always, as I read, I think I should commit this to memory; I adore it so. My internal script, though, tells me I can't memorize. Laughable, really, this notion. As a musician, I memorized a great deal. Several years of drum corps shows, marching band music, myriad jazz tunes; all committed to mind. Odd, then, that this dated and disproven script still influences. I wonder, at times, if we'd cease to exist without our insecurities. So prevalent and deep seated they are. Frustrating, really; perhaps memorizing this piece would help defeat this script forever? A worthy endeavor, methinks.

Via BlackBerry

1 thought on “Memorization”

  1. Have you heard Frostiana by Randall Thompson. It's a 1959 choral piece setting Frost's words to music. Includes that piece and another that we sang for Advent at UBC, "Choose Something Like A Star."

    If you haven't, I'll bring you a copy next time I see you

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