Seattle Big Blog Meetup Reunion And Such

Several years ago Monica Guzman, then with the Seattle PI’s Big Blog, started hosting Big Blog meet ups. I stumbled upon one my posts from one, pinged the folks in the picture, and the discussion shifted to having a re-union.

So, we’ve launched the discussion. Part of the purpose for this post is to have the discussion in a single space, and not fill up our Twitter feeds.

Anyway, please comment below with ideas, suggestions, interests. Also, check back often. I’ll update this as it progresses.

At the Big Blog Meetup


At the Big Blog Meetup, originally uploaded by Hugger Industries.
Thanks to Bike Hugger for capturing this shot of the Big Blog meet up in Pioneer Square (Seattle). I do enjoy Zeitgeist coffee!
It was a delight to meet Seattle area bloggers, and commiserate about things only newsgeeks/junkies would care about.