Standing Upon The Edge

I stand on the edge  


p style=”font-family:"”>Where end and beginning 


p style=”font-family:"”>Tumble into each other 


p style=”font-family:"”>One foot in yin 


p style=”font-family:"”>The other on yang


p style=”font-family:"”>Stars dance around me 


p style=”font-family:"”>As I await the sun 

In Motion

Dreams of motion 


p style=”font-family:"”>Cars and vans, across deserts 


p style=”font-family:"”>Sunlight’s glaring strength 


p style=”font-family:"”>The forces of life drive hard 


p style=”font-family:"”>Each day waking 


p style=”font-family:"”>I’m the same bed


p style=”font-family:"”>With different views 


p style=”font-family:"”>Outside this glass


p style=”font-family:"”>Wheels sparkle in the day 


p style=”font-family:"”>Transitions happen