Misty Motion

Mists flowing through trees
Compelled by wind’s urging.
Rivulets descend the glass
Warping these trees I view.
Refraction’s coloration divine.
Sunlight glitters upon them,
Moments flickering through
Greyness, cloudy murk
Defines my land. White
Farmhouse upon the hill
Calls to me, wondering
Where I’ve journeyed, the
Familiar seeps into my
Bones. Salvation.


“Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones.” — Seneca

This tidbit is perhaps more relevant than ever. As we come up against our planet’s ability to support, this rings louder than ever.

What does a sustainable society look like? Where each person has enough, greed is eliminated. Without greed, we remove exploitation. A society built upon mutual respect and love. Where we each feel inspired to give our very best for each other. Love. We develop a healthy relationship with our food. Love.

How do we get to a world with no poverty?

Dreaming in daylight. 
Seeking suffering’s ending. 
Our primary force: love.