Twitter and Rage

Every so often I read something on twitter which infuriates me, filling me with horror and revulsion.  I long for the power to remove such wretched souls, deleting the parasitic blight. However, I know that is not my path. Reveling in rage only fills me with misery. I seek the right response, though,  one which shows them the destruction they wreck. Perhaps, someday, such shall be found. Until then, the best I see is to act with kindness to their victims.

Random Thought of the Day

Oh, Maslow’s pyramid and all that psychological think! Is there anything greater than interdependence and self-actualization? Yes, this is a rhetorical question. Right now, no. Or, better put, nothing we know of. But our culture evolves. I wonder what the future will think, looking back upon this moment, about what our perceived upper-bounds were in terms of compassion, interconnectedness, justice. I’m confident that they’ll find us amusing, perhaps with a judgmental view.

Apple music and upgrading to Yosemite

Ever since the Apple Music announcement, I’ve been eager to try it this new service. As I have a lot of Apple content, this looked like a solid win for me. And then there’s the family plan. $15/mo all we can eat streaming? Perfect!

Well, I need to update my MacBook to Yosemite for the family bit. That did not go according to plan. After sitting, stalled, at 50% complete for over 24 hours, I was worried. But a brief perusal of the internet, I was confident that a reboot would solve it. With a reasonable chance it would fry everything and I’d need to reinstall everything from the OS up. Fortunately, the reboot worked and I’m up and running.

Now I just need to figure out why icloud is not accepting my password. Always something..

The critical importance of the pdf

I’ve seen some creative uses of PDFs, Adobe’s ubiquitous document tool. My favorite lately: printing out the fill-in PDF form, filling it in on a typewriter, then scanning and resending. A rather unique blend of old and new technology. This got me thinking about how important the PDF has become.

In real estate now, the PDF is used for most documentation. And our transaction forms (at least in Seattle) are all fill-in PDFs. The ability to edit and manage these forms is critical to business. Fortunately, there are many tools for this, and one isn’t bound by the brutal Adobe pricing structure. I fully recommend this investment for every business.