within the rainfall
gentleness calming my soul
waiting for my tea
Category: Haiku
I adore the simplicity, as well as the challenge of Haiku. The constraints focus my mind, seeking out the essence of the moment, feeling, notion, distilling it to brilliant singularity.
This morning’s haiku
within the sunlight
sustained by the gentle earth
a late springtime breeze
A rainy day haiku
amidst these rain squalls
and the claps of thunder
calmness with my tea
I created this image with Canva. The image is a stock image that’s included in the app.
today’s haiku
the gift of late spring
as the flowers start to fade
under the blue skies
A summer haiku
a breeze in sunlight
summer slowly approaches
these dancing petals
This evening’s haiku
with hints of summer
watching the vigor of bees
as the springtime fades
This photo was taken in my front yard. The bees were quite taken with these flowers. This was shot with my Samsung S22.
I’m quite pleased with the results I get with this phone. It’s been amazing.
It’s feeling like summer here, just north of Seattle. It’s wonderful. But I’m right at the point of shifting from complaining about the cold to complaining about the heat. The comfortable temperature range for Seattle’s is between 65 & 75.
I hope you’re enjoying your weekend! May it exceed your expectations.
Today’s haiku
between the rain squalls
gently caressing petals
spring slowly fading
An Early Morning Haiku
Today’s haiku
into the spring sky
my gaze drifting into where
yesterday's clouds were
Spring berries, a haiku
glorious red drops
resting against the blue sky
sunlight after rain