Please Watch This Short Film: Alike!

As someone who values creativity, this speaks to me greatly. Especially how our society works hard to create drones, and is terrible at accommodating the creative mind.

So, I think this little gem is well worth your time. I hope you love it as much as I do.

Some Thoughts On The Tom Ferry Podcast

I listen to podcasts most every day, sometimes more than one. As I’m back working in real estate, the past few mornings I’ve listened Tom Ferry’s podcast. He’s a well regarded coach to high caliber agents.

Today’s edition was “Elevating Listing Videos to A Viral Art Form“. One of the touchpoints in this was a viral video created by the guests, Tim Smith (a real estate agent out of Orange County, California) and Chris Stacey (a film maker). The viral video, well, I should call it a film out of respect for the creators, was focused on one of Tim’s listings. This gorgeous, waterfront home is stunning, and well showcased in the video. But you’d never see it as a property home tour. It’s something unique.

I had to look up what a “Duffy” is (it’s a small boat…the video will define it better than I can). I’m afraid I’m ignorant of things super-wealthy.

Anyway, I found it clever and innovative. Not sure if this will change the nature of real estate videography, but it might. It certainly adds a new element that’s hard to predict.

So, give Mr. Ferry, Stacey and Smith your ears for roughly an hour. This discussion has value beyond real estate. It gives me some insight into where marketing as a whole could be heading. And I hope it does.

I broke out my sketchbook today

I haven’t done much more than doodle for years. My soul had been begging my to start again. So, he we are.

This sketchbook is one I’ve had for years. So easy to let the blank page intimidate me. I don’t want to ruin my book with crap. Fear.

Finally, with an abrupt leap, the pencil came forth and the paper got marked. No one died. So things are good.

“…my mother died. I was with her. She is with me”

My mother died when I was 15. The impact lingers to this day.

So this piece by Masaru Goto struck me deeply:

…my mother died. I was with her. She is with me

I love the intersection of poetry and photography. I want to explore that myself.

A powerfully moving project.


Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir Live “Cloudburst”

I love Eric Whitacre’s work. His music speaks deeply to me. His Virtual Choir pieces, though, achieves the highest levels of awesome.
This one, Cloudburst (where gets bonus points from me as he based on an Octavio Paz poem) is stunning. Inspired by a Midwestern thunderstorm, the song captures the audio essence of the storm. From a musical perspective, I adore his use of clapping and finger snapping to achieve the feel of heavy rain. And his interweaving of harmony and dissonance really strikes a chord (sorry, couldn’t resist the pun).

Regarding the virtual nature, in addition to the choirs in the auditorium we have 30 choristers in 30 countries, all Skyped in. Pushing the technical boundaries, too. I delighted at the way Eric dealt with the lag: the piece was written to use it. Turning a liability into an asset is genius.

So, please, enjoy Eric Whitacre’s virtual choir performing “Cloudburst” at a TED talk.

The future of video content

Just spent a moment exploring what’s available on YouTube, content-wise. Now, I love YouTubers like Casey Niestat and the like, but I was thinking about professional content. Things like Star Wars Rebels, movies, and other stuff. I was pleased by what I saw. 

A nice thing about purchasing content through YouTube: it can be watched on any device. Apple tv, Android devices, and, I expect, even my kindle. I hate having my videos and music held hostage by platform idiosyncrasies. And I hate Apple’s unwillingness to play well with others. 

Anyway, I’m thinking that YouTube might be the way I go to buy Rebels season 4. It’d be cool if I could burn the movies and such to DVDs. But I won’t hold my breath. 

I think I might have seen a glimmer of the future. If so, is pretty bright for YouTube. For now, at least. 

It’s Sunday night and I’m wide awake…hurray daylight savings time

Note: I originally wrote this last weekend, but through some crazy glitch, it was scheduled for March 12, 2200. 

Oh, the social train wreck, messing with circadian rhythms en masse, for fun and profit…or at sociopathic delight.

I hate these time-shifts. Firmly in the camp of “these have out-lived any usefulness they might have had”, I fine the tweaks annoying and disjointening (I just made that word up…yay me!).

So, I’m awake when I’d rather be asleep, and only starting to settle down. Being me, I thought it a great time for a blog post.

I spent a good chunk of the evening crafting some new logos for my son’s Youth Choir, the Snohomish County Youth Choir. I’m not super-happy with any of them, but they’re ok. It generally takes a few iterations before I’m ok with my work. And they’re never as good as I’d like. I’ll add them to my portfolio once I’m done and happy.

Also, I moved a bunch of photos into this site today, and built this gallery for my favorites. It’s been long-overdue. Actually, I thought I’d moved everything over and am only just now realizing I hadn’t. I have more work to do with this, which will keep my happily busy.

Anyway, enjoy!

WordPress Photo Gallery Plugin