Is The Smartwatch A Mobile Phone Killer?

As the smart-watch and AI (think Google Assistant and Siri) intersect, more people will adopt smart-watches. The ability to interact accurately only with our voice will be the crucial element to this. Once I can have a full SMS exchange solely via voice, the need to lug around a cell phone will whither. Now, is the smart-watch a cell-phone killer? I hate that construct ” ____-killer”. Much like the idea of a laptop being a desktop killer. And, of course, all these cellphone elements being “iPhone killers”. Anyway, in this situation, no. Cell phones won’t be killed by smartwatches. I don’t foresee games becoming really fun on a watch. Maybe with some sort of integration with a Google-Glass-esque device. Maybe. The phone’s current centralness to our personal communication system, I expect, will migrate. I see the watch to take that role. Possibly with the watch being the central device, and everything else connecting through it. What do you think? How far off-base do you think I am? Or am I a true oracle, prescient to the point of prophecy?

Brian Tong Interviews Neil Degrasse Tyson

I’ve enjoyed Brian Tong’s CNET reporting for years, especially his commentary during the various Apple announcements. I see that he’s, now, taking a leap into the new gig economy. I took a bit of a deep dive to catch up on what he’s up-to and think he’s onto something. Check out his Patreon for more info.

Anyway, of all the stuff he’s created over the past few weeks, he interviewed Neil deGrasse Tyson at San Diego Comicon and asked some fun questions. I wouldn’t have pegged Tyson, for instance, as an iPhone guy. Anyway, what a fun interview and one that makes me mildly envious.