Watch “Marketing Strategies That Failed Spectacularly” on YouTube

Marketing is my current focus. I stumbled upon this list of terrible marketing notions. I think its great to study failures. It’s the second step to wisdom. Here’s what I mean. A wise person learns from his mistakes. The wiser person learns from other people’s mistakes. Now, the wisest person learns from others successes. I’m working on that, too.

Two Geek Culture Videos I Recommend

First, a short film “FTL”. I’ve seen this before, and found it delightful. It showed back up in my YouTube recommendation feed.

Second is the trailer for the new series “Picard”. I’m quite excited to see this concept expanded. I find Picard’s character compelling and interesting. Plus, TNG explored some very rich ideas, challenging ideas about the future, social order, and about how we interact with technology.

Watch “Seth Godin | Advice that Changed My Life” on YouTube

I just discovered Bryan Elliot’s YouTube series “Behind the Brand” with this video of Seth Godin. As I greatly admire Seth’s work, I went ahead and watched. I found it well worth my time, and feel it’s well worth yours. Overcome disappointment, and move forward.

A Look At The FUSE Conference

I found this fun little video today:

As fan of Debbie Millman’s work, especially her podcast: Design Matters, I really got a kick out it. Now, it’s a bit out of date (2013…wow…in some respects it seems like just a few days ago, and also like a hundred years ago).

I haven’t made it to a FUSE Conference yet. This is something that I find very intriguing and want to experience. Maybe not as bad as Burning Man, but, well, you know…

Anyway, I love the effect of leaving through the notebook. Very charming.


Taekwondo video: “Age is no excuse…” on YouTube

It’s awesome to see all ages at the dojang. It’s a sign of a healthy school. My school has a huge range of student agents, from small children to adults in the 50s and 60s. 

Every student brings something great to the school, helps us all grow, to be better.