Well, yesterday’s weather in Seattle was quirky as heck

Yesterday’s weather was certainly quirky. Earlier in the afternoon, it was nice enough in Marysville to get a 20 minute walk in. As my weight’s been creeping up, this was quite welcome

Not too much later the thunderstorm rolled through. My son and I planned to hit the gym, but the weather knocked the power out there. So, we went out for a little ride.

Now, it had cleared up as we were gearing up. But it started to pour as we headed out. We opted to keep going. It was my son’s first real rain ride.

I’ve become a fair weathered cyclist over the years. So it was nice to get out and get wet on the road. I love riding so, and need to get back in the saddle more.

I want to push my fitness higher again. Not get my fitness back. Rather, adapt and create a new life, with a solid center of fitness.

Besides riding, I want to get into kayaking. I’ve a fair amount of experience on the water…and I want more. I’ve dreamt of riding rivers; rapids as well as exploring the shores of the Columbia. Well, and many others. Oh, something else I want to try on kayak: ocean riding! Imagining cutting through the surf, riding the waves…yeah, that sounds cool. Just got to avoid pissing off the surfers.

Also, during the winter I want to get deeper into cross-country skiing. That’s one I really miss.

So, my mind’s afire with outdoor ideas. Should be a fun summer!

A monsoon-like rain squall

In the morning dark


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>Intense rain’s forceful pounding 


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>Rattling gutters 


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>


p style=”font-family:’Helvetica Neue’, Arial, sans, sans-serif;”>I awoke this morning to an intense downpour. More like the Philippines or Florida than Seattle. 

Our First Autumn Storm : PNW Weather

Up in Lynnwood and Marysville, where I live and work respectively, we’ve had a few significant wind gusts and some heavy rain, but nothing too dramatic. So, I’m fine and so’s the rest of my family. However, below are a few things to show the progress of the storm throughout the region. storm-preparedness