Signs of Spring

Snow upon the firs

upon this first snow
a group of robins gather
a first sign of spring

Though there was snow on the ground this morning, it was mostly gone by early afternoon. Then, during my afternoon walk, I saw a group of robins rummaging through the fallen leaves. Winter may be in place now, but spring cannot be stopped!

A Pluviophile’s Delight

rain is predicted
delights pluviophiles
Seattle winters

As a live-long Seattleite, I hold a certain fondness for rain. One tempered with topical annoyance, and occasional despair. Yet, for the most part, I enjoy rain. The sound upon my roof. Watching the rain from a street-side café, listening to jazz. So much of my life revolves around liquid precipitation.

A Moment Of Blue Sky

blue sky peeking through
swallowed quickly by the clouds
whispers of springtime

Saw a moment of blue sky above the trees. I actually wore my sunglasses briefly on today’s walk. Seattle’s winter has reclaimed the sky, though. Yet, rest assured, spring approaches.