A meditation on efficiency

For many years now, I’ve been a Franklin-Covey devotee. For decades it’s been live changing/life affirming in the richest way possible. At one point, I was recruited to be a training facilitator. That didn’t align with my objectives, but was very flattering, and shows my commitment to these principles.

Anyway, this week brought several reminders of all that. First, my son is getting introduced to the concepts more formally. He’s enjoying the fact he knows all the concepts. And it’s very satisfying to hear that attributed to my teachings.

Also, at my latest team meeting, my boss broke out my beloved “Importance/Urgency” grid. (Side note: I understand that this was developed by Eisenhower, but I was introduced to this by Steven Covey.)

As we were talking, the group was talking about focusing on quadrant I, what I call the hyper-urgent. Mostly, this is the land if crises and drama. No, we don’t want to live in this space. Of course it needs to be dealt with; they only become more dramatic with neglect. But our goal must be to spend as little time in this space as necessary.

Quadrant II, the “non-urgent but important” is where we need to focus, and where the others 3 quadrants distract us from. Planning, developing, growing, learning and building our relationships all help prevent the crises of quadrant I. This is the area that grows our sphere of influence, too.

Moving our focus “above the line”, only on the important is the real focus, and the real challenge. It requires forethought, planning, and consideration, all of which help define “important”, and keep us focused on it. All quadrant II activities. See how this works?

Some thoughts on Wil Wheaton, The Internet, Radio Free Burrito and Taylor Swift

I’ve been a fan of Wil Wheaton’s Radio Free Burrito for years. It’s hard to conceive he’s been putting those things out for a decade. Anyway, today’s episode: Radio Free Burrito 43: my next mistake, hits on a few things that I’ve been thinking about lately.

He talks a bit about Taylor Swift and how crappily she’s been treated by the media, and by a certain cadre of the internet. I, too, have been discovering more in her music than I expected. And what made me take a deeper look was the grace and humor she’s shown while facing down the trollish brutes. Gotta love and admire anyone like that.

When talking about Pax and the hater-vibe he was feeling, he struck a nerve that’s been raw. In geek circles lately, there’s this whole “gatekeeper” thing going on. I hate this mentality. Perhaps it’s because I’m an old school geek from back when geekiness lined you up for bullying (at best). When you found ANYONE who shared those interests and passions, you felt delight, a thrill in someone else “getting it”. Those geeks I grew up with were a remarkably inclusive crew. Hearing people proclaiming “you’re not geeky enough” is both absurd and infuriating. You’re not outcast enough? Really? Of course, I’ve long felt frustration with those seeking to keep others out, to find some kind of purity. The purity of the experience comes from love, from passion. It’s the damn feeling, the joy in something, that makes it wonderful.

Of course, I’ve long been a proponent of diversity in all things. And I guess here is where I’ll stand. Wil is geeky enough, Taylor is too, and I’ll bet you are as well. Jeez, folks, lets all go watch Star Wars and get over ourselves.

My newest web project: ForwardFacing

I’m moving all my more formal business and technology focused writing over to my new website, Forward Facing. The goal is for CarlSetzer.com to be more of a personal site. Forward Facing will showcase my writing and web work in a more professional manner. At least that’s the plan.

Part of the fun with this, though, is that ForwardFacing.net is showing up in Twitter’s spam/malware database. I guess the prior owners were nasty with it. Anyway, I’ve made the initial request of Twitter to get removed from that list. Which me luck.

An Introduction to Facing Forward

I consider myself a global citizen. Born in Rhode Island, my life has taken me throughout the US and around the globe. I have a broad view of the world, though my core geographical identification is with Seattle.

My career brought me to several key Seattle area institutions, including Starbucks, Microsoft and a project or two at Amazon. I have a solid understanding of general business principles, technological solutions, writing, PR, internet and social media marketing. I have built websites (with a particular love for WordPress), myriad PowerPoints, intricate Excel spreadsheets, tracked million dollar + budgets, deployed Google Apps and Microsoft Office Online solutions (Office 365’s predecessor) , launched built networks, written press releases, edited and managed newsletters, and developed long-term strategies.

My focus has been on “getting things done”, while keeping an eye on the future. I seek solutions that make change, that grow and develop.