7 thoughts on “Overheard: Email”

  1. Everyone thinks their way is progress. Most question their own way less than everyone else’s. With that kind of presumption, the question of “progress” has very little point to it. People merely follow along.

    Email has its advantages, it’s also cumbersome and ridiculous for some people. You obviously need it. Other people save literally hours not getting flooded with e-garbage. Good for them.

    1. Good points. Bodes one question for me: are they saving hours of work, or forcing someone else to do their work. There’s no universal answer, of course.

      1. I don’t know, I’m rarely in favor of mandatory technology, especially when it’s fundamentally insecure. Perhaps someday we will fix that. I side with those not using it. Throwing out the idea of boycotts in the name of “progress” doesn’t work for me at all– and it’s like when both major parties try to ban or block filibusters. They only try when their opponent is talking, otherwise it’s free speech.

        1. I expect email will get the security fixes it needs. The financial pressures on it are immense.

          As for your comment about fillibusters and free speech, I’ve noticed that, too.

      1. One more for you: revolutionary thinkers do not accept the status quo. They look for (or hold out for) something better. Many people tarred with the “anti-progress” brush are in fact, seeking further progress.

        Email isnt ancient technology, though it has many flaws and limitations. It is not “good enough” for everyone. While it may seem irreplaceable, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be replaced with something better. “Progress” isn’t always what it appears to be. It relies on stubborn people to push for things they believe in, while everyone else does what’s popular. Maybe they are not actually behind, and instead thinking farther ahead. Is email the only route to progress? Should we just accept it for now? Would YOU be comfortable using it for things you don’t use it for already, when you already have a suitable alternative that better fits your needs?

        1. I’ve always tended towards celebrating the new, being as early an adopter and my budget will allow. So I don’t think I make a good example. So your point holds solid.

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