Design Matters Podcast Featuring Derren Brown

I love to listen to podcasts. As I try to go for a walk every evening, that’s one of my favorite times to listen. One of my favorites podcasts is Debbie Millman’s Design Matters. This week’s edition features mentalist, hypnotist, and what I’m going to label “anthropological psychologist” Derren Brown.

I was unfamiliar with his work until this evening. And when, during the introduction, they described his performance work, I disconnected some. Which really helped me actually listen. Most often, I’m feeling compelled to capture every detail. But mental magic/hypnosis? Yeah…and I was pulled in.

Listening to his description of what’s happening in the minds of the audience spoke to my old fascination with psychology. And then I was able to see the connection to all the things I love. Communications is psychology. The mind is the key component for this inter-human facilitation of information transfer. Even my haiku reflect that. I love the challenge of communicating an idea with a few words as possible. The stripping down to the essential.

Also, I appreciated the notions of suggestibility and how it plays out in multiple human contexts. And reminders of how malleable memory is.

So, with all that, I highly recommend you take an hour and listen. It was very enlightening.