Some Thoughts While Re-Organizing My Life

I finished my final final and turned in my final project for fall quarter yesterday. Now, I’m in the process of getting my feet back under me. I have a few hundred emails to go through, so will be spending some dedicated time go through them all.

As I work to process all the stuff, I read this gem: “Malcolm Gladwell’s 3-Word Reminder to Stop You from Overthinking“. Overthinking and analysis-paralysis are perpetual problems for me, but I continue to work on them. Articles like this help remind me of the importance of keeping my brain under control.

A few excerpts that I’m clipping/posting on my wall.

Nothing kills progress faster than indecision!

Uncertainty of the future shouldn’t freeze us but rather free us.

“This belief we have that the future is knowable is crazy. People need to have the freedom to take more chances.” — Malcolm Gladwell

I need to remind myself that the world rewards those who have the stones to keep moving forward regardless if they don’t know their destination

So, I, too, resolve to live by his last line: “Screw it, let’s go!”