Some Key Tools I Recommend

I’ve been pretty successful at my coursework, and I attribute that to a few key tools. Here are the 4 I use every day, and would deeply struggle without.

  1. Evernote: this is my note tool, and so much more. I add articles I’ve read, reading notes, lecture notes, and I can scan handwritten notes which are able to be searched (for the most part). It is also my journal and where I brainstorm/mindmap for projects and other workflows.
  2. Todoist: Organizes my task list. Since I have more on my plate than just school, I use Todoist to input everything I need to get done. I have mine synchronized to my Google calendar, so I can have it all in one view. Assigning times to tasks is really important for me so that they become done.
  3. Acrobat Reader, Adobe Creative Cloud Student Edition: I use various Creative Cloud apps regularly including Photoshop, InDesign, and PremierPro. I also work some in Illustrator. Reader, though, is the thing I use the most. I mark up articles, presentations, and the like. I expect I would find a cheaper alternative if all I was doing was work in Reader, but as I use the whole suite, it’s a handy product.
  4. Grammarly: I love this grammar and spelling checker. It has upped my game as a writer, which is rather important in this student thing.
  5. Quizlet: I use this to create flashcards. Great for reviewing content before a quiz, or to review content for any reason. It’s also nice that I have this on my phone and iPad. Makes reviewing while I’m out and about (which isn’t very much right now) easy. Or if I want to chill out on the couch.

Anyway, those are the main tools I’m using right now. I find these critical to my current life. What digital tools are part of your daily work? Whether you’re a student or not, I’m curious to know.

About the featured image: Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels