gray laptop computer showing html codes in shallow focus photography

Student Life Update

One of the more interesting phenomena I’ve observed: the weird pivots between emotions. Late last week and earlier this week, I struggled with some basic concepts in database structure and math that left me feeling like I had no business pursuing this web developer thing. Then there’s today where I blast out two quizzes, that I budgeted an hour each for in just under 20 minutes. With perfect scores, mind you. So, right now, I feel a bit like superman. I’m sure I’ll be humbled again soon, though.

On another note: I’m changing the focus of this blog. Earlier this year I shifted my haiku and other poetry away from to here, There were a few reasons, mainly the ads on Questionsall were annoying me. Plus, I thought it would be nice to only blog in one place. Well, a few folks let me know that it was a bit of a confusing muddle. And, as I approach the end of my ATA efforts, I need to give some thought to my “brand”. This site is my most powerful tool regarding SEO. It’s beenbtop of fold when you search “Carl Setzer” for quite some time. I want those HR folks researching me to view what I’ve been doing with my education. Plus, I plan to use this site as a way to generate freelance work.

Thus, I intend to move my poetry back to As a side project, that seems fitting. I don’t want haiku, etc, to be my career. Quite the opposite: I want it to remain free of the stress of production. It’s what I turn to in order to relieve stress.

And this site will focus on my journey through my web development studies and how I’m integrating all that into my overall life. My professional brand, so to speak.

Hopefully my little experiment wasn’t too jarring for you. I’ll work on a clear vision as I move forward.

Thank you all for your support and for reading my missives. It means a great deal to me.