Drink Water Project

Today’s “50 Projects In 50 Days” project: Drink Water. Always good advice, but that’s not what this is. This one lets the user click on the number of glasses of water one has consumed, and gives you back an animated graphic. You can check it out here.

After each project, I feel more confident with my coding. However, my questions grow. For instance, I wonder, though, how much more of vanilla web dev (html, css, javascript) I want to explore. Do I want to focus exclusively on web development? Or do I want to add the almighty Python to my list of languages? I’m unsure.

Additionally, I still see my super-power as a project manager/coordinator. As much as I’m enjoying coding, will that ever be the place I make the biggest impact? I’m unsure. Funny, in a way, that after all this web development work, recruiters till reach out to me regarding my executive assistant skill set. For a dying industry (exec support), I’m getting a LOT of interest in this skillset. Such is life, I guess. Keep growing, keep learning, see what comes.