A New Musical Discovery

I know that I mostly post poetry, and more specifically haiku, here. However, music also holds a dear spot in my soul. So, discovering this video today thrilled me in many ways (I grew up on a regular diet of Simon & Garfunkle), and I wanted to share it with all of you.

It’s a version of Simon & Garfunkle’s “America” done by the Swedish duo First Aid Kit. Check out who’s in the audience.

Streaming Music On YouTube

I’ve been exploring music on YouTube for years. I’ve found the YouTube Music feature pretty lackluster, but that’s probably mostly due to my eclectic musical tastes and interests.

Lately, I’ve been obsessing about a couple musical things. First, the Hang Drum. Imagine a steel drum that’s much more portable. I find them rather ethereal and lovely. I particularly like the video below. The music is delightful, and the imagery stunning. My favorite combo on the platform. Here’s a playlist I’ve started, and will add to as I go forward.


Another recent musical obsession: these long playing live streams. I’ve been bopping in and out of the one below for months…maybe years.


My Own Save The Wave Playlist

Inspired by C89‘s DJ Trent Von and his Save The Wave show, I crafted my own playlist in Spotify. Give it a listen and let me know what you think. What’s left out? What shouldn’t be on this one?


If you’re a fan of Trent, here are a few places to connect with him online:

And here are some sites to learn more about his style, background, and, well, listen to his playlists.


As youth I chose
To deeply explore music
Each word critical 

Music is critical to me. For my teenage years, I focused my study there. Well, as best as I could focus at that age. Music means so very much to me. Understanding the way lyrics, melody and harmony intersect for the good of the story carried great value. 

I seek to recapture that. Spent some time this morning enjoying it again. Until life’s demands intruded. Soon, I’ll return. These delights critical to my soul.