Today’s Haiku: Verbal

Woolly Muses, a blog I’ve followed for awhile, posted their contribution to today’s FOWC (Fandango’s One-Word Challenge), with the key-word “verbal“. I enjoy these challenges, and I believe they solidly grow my creativity.

So, here’s my contribution:

words dance off my pen
verbal graces in sunlight
moving through silence

World Poetry Day

As today is World Poetry Day, I offer up this contribution:

Shall we celebrate power?
Speaking conscience to the brutal.
When nothing else can resist.
Words sharper than swords?

Or those words capturing love?
That exquisite, maddening
Sensation. Delightful, painful,
No greater sorrow, or pleasure.

Poetry, indefinable, glorious
Mystery. Savor this moment
For soon we shall recommence
Our most divine torment.