Finding Your Passion: YouTube’s MrWhoseTheBoss

I’ve enjoyed MrWhoseTheBoss (otherwise known as Arun Maini) for a couple of years now. I like his take on tech. As I’m an OS Agnostic (whether we’re talked PCs or mobile), I find his takes balanced and insightful.

As someone who also likes to see people find their passions, and see how they came to that realization, I find his recent video wonderful. Seeing his unconscious progress towards a certain career end with him getting the dream job, then realizing that, no, that wasn’t the dream, struck home. I’ve seen that many times in my own life. It felt good to see him have that realization, see clearly what he needed to do, feel the fear that the non-conventional paths take, and take the plunge anyway.

Give him a few minutes of your time my friends. You’ll be glad you did.