crop colleagues shaking hands in office

My Focus

As I’ve written earlier, I really hadn’t thought too deeply about my long-term plans when I started this career transition. “I’ll build websites” was pretty much it. I didn’t think about where I’d work (companies, etc) or what, exactly, I’d do. So, the past few weeks I have focused on determining answers to those questions.

I did think about focusing on communications, as that kind of work has been a huge orbit for my career. However, after consulting with several friends and mentors, I now see that my career has had a few key elements that I want to move forward with. Project management is key amongst them.

For every company I’ve worked for, projects have been a key component. Every. Single. One. Some places more so than others.

The other piece has been technology management. Whether procuring and configuring PCs, copiers, etc, setting up and troubleshooting wifi and networking issues, desktop support, fixing phone systems, setting up security systems…you get the picture.

So, with the advice of my key trusted allies, I’m focusing on technology management. After I’m done at Edmonds, I will transfer to Central Washington University’s Lynnwood campus and work towards my Bachelor of Applied Science in Information Technology and Administrative Management.

I see that my web and cloud development studies, along with my side networking and desktop support courses, grant me a unique understanding of the technological needs of companies. Combining that with my background working for a wide range of businesses, I can make a solid impact anywhere I would work.

I’m starting my next steps with that since I have less than 6 months before I finish the ATA, which will pass by quickly.

Let me know of any leads or advice. I’d be much obliged!